naptime ponderings: winter, coffee & zombies

winter is almost over! and I’m probably the only one that’s sad about it. when you can roll out of bed, chill in your pj’s all day. I mean…’chill’. with three kids, ‘chilling’ is a little more like surviving the zombie apocalypse. every day.

 seriously. they can be lost in their own worlds and the tiniest sound will alert them that mom is on the move. and they’ll swarm. I may only have two kids that can walk, but sorin has the bite of 1,000 zombies. but back to winter. 

I like winter. I like the snow and rain….because I’m in my house. I love that I have a supply of endless coffee, even though I won’t let myself have more than one cup a day. still. knowing it’s there is like a safety net.

 I like winter because I like sleeping with three down comforters. I like winter because I can cuddle with my kids and not be hot, sticky and annoyed. that sounds bad. I’m really not annoyed to cuddle with them. it’s like….you know those jelly sandals from the 90’s? they were the best. I loved them. I wore them with socks in the winter. because I was a fashionista, obviously. they. we’re. great. until the summer. if you’ve never experienced sweaty summer jelly sandals, you won’t know what I’m talking about. but believe me when I say….my kids sweat like jelly sandals in the summer time. enough said. 

but I guess I don’t have to worry about summer yet. it’s spring. in honor of spring, I’ve written a haiku. because I’m pinned under my sweet, napping 4 1/2 month old so what else am I going to do?

oh gorgeous springtime

my kids are sneezing on me


the boogers through. really. they mean business. they stick like crazy glue. usually to me. 

uh oh. and the secily awakes. maybe I can ramble at you about nothing another day. next time I’m pinned. but until then….that’s a wrap. 

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