a brief hello.

crazy, crazy life lately.

the boys both rarely nap anymore, so…blogging any updates just hasn’t happened.
BUT! things are going good! at my 20 week appointment, the doctor told me the subchorionic hemorrhage was all healed up and everything was looking fantastic. seriously, suuuuuch a relief!! we’re so thankful for that answer to prayer! šŸ™‚
now we’re almost 26 weeks along. Sunday marks week 26. I can’t believe it! and tomorrow is the dreaded glucose tolerance test. šŸ˜– three blood draws in 2 hours….and needles are NOT my friend. so uhh…yeah. fun times will be had. and tears may be shed. haha
we decided to pull our house from the market and just stay here. it’s gonna be tricky, putting three kiddos in one little room, but we’re up to the challenge and judah is MORE than excited to have baby sister (that’s right…it’s a GIRL!!!! šŸ˜Š) sleeping in his room. he can’t wait for baby secily kate to be born. he’s already a VERY proud big brother (for the second time).
anyways. that was a pretty speedy little update, I know. but the kids are awake now and are OH so grumpy. so…oops! šŸ˜³

hopefully I’ll get to talk at you again soon!




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